Armed vs. Unarmed Security Guards: Which Is Right for Your Business?


One of the key decisions you’ll face when setting up your security measures is whether to hire armed or unarmed security guards. Both options have their own set of advantages and considerations. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the differences between armed and unarmed security guards and determine which type is best suited for your business.

Security Guard Roles

What Are Armed Security Guards?

Armed security guards are professionals who are equipped with firearms as part of their job. Their primary role is to provide a higher level of protection and deterrence against potential threats. Armed guards are often employed in high-risk environments where there is a greater likelihood of violent incidents or where the presence of a firearm can significantly enhance the security posture.

What Are Unarmed Security Guards?

Unarmed security guards, as the name suggests, do not carry firearms. Their role is to maintain a visible presence to deter crime, monitor activities, and respond to security incidents using non-lethal methods. Unarmed guards are typically employed in lower-risk environments where the risk of violent encounters is minimal.

Key Considerations When Choosing Security Guard Type

Assessing Your Business’s Risk Level

One of the primary factors in deciding between armed and unarmed security guards is the risk level associated with your business. High-risk environments such as banks, jewelry stores, or facilities dealing with sensitive materials may require the presence of armed guards to address potential threats. Conversely, businesses with a lower risk profile, such as retail stores or office buildings, may find unarmed guards sufficient.

The Nature of Your Business Operations

Consider the nature of your business operations when choosing the type of security guard. Businesses that handle large amounts of cash, valuable assets, or sensitive information may benefit from the enhanced protection offered by armed guards. On the other hand, businesses that focus on customer service and public interactions may find unarmed guards more appropriate, as they can provide a friendly and approachable presence without the intimidation factor of a firearm.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Different regions have varying regulations and laws concerning armed security personnel. It’s essential to be aware of and comply with local legal requirements regarding firearms and security operations. Unarmed security guards typically face fewer legal constraints, but you should still ensure they are well-trained and adhere to industry standards.

Advantages of Armed Security Guards

Enhanced Deterrence

The presence of armed security guards can act as a powerful deterrent against potential criminals. The knowledge that a guard is armed can discourage individuals from attempting illegal activities, knowing that they face a higher risk of confrontation.

Increased Response Capability

In emergency situations, armed security guards can provide an immediate response to threats. Their ability to act swiftly and effectively with the use of firearms can be crucial in high-stress scenarios where every second counts.

Greater Protection for High-Risk Environments

For businesses located in high-risk areas or those dealing with valuable or sensitive assets, armed security guards offer a heightened level of protection. Their training and readiness to handle potential threats can significantly enhance the overall security of your premises.

Advantages of Unarmed Security Guards


Unarmed security guards generally cost less to hire and maintain compared to their armed counterparts. This can be an important consideration for businesses with budget constraints while still seeking effective security solutions.

Less Intimidating Presence

Unarmed security guards can provide a less intimidating presence, which can be beneficial in environments where customer interactions are frequent. Their approachability can enhance the customer experience while maintaining a secure environment.

Lower Liability Risks

Employing unarmed security guards may reduce liability risks associated with firearms. The use of weapons introduces additional complexities and potential legal implications, whereas unarmed guards operate within a more straightforward legal framework.

Making the Right Choice for Your Business

Conduct a Security Assessment

To determine whether armed or unarmed security guards are appropriate for your business, conduct a thorough security assessment. Evaluate factors such as the likelihood of criminal activity, the value of assets, and the specific security needs of your premises. This assessment will provide valuable insights into which type of guard will offer the most effective protection.

Consult with Security Professionals

Engage with security professionals who can provide expert advice based on your specific situation. They can help you understand the nuances of armed and unarmed security and recommend solutions tailored to your business’s needs.

Consider Hybrid Solutions

In some cases, a hybrid approach may be the most effective solution. For example, you might employ unarmed security guards for general monitoring and customer service while having armed guards available for high-risk scenarios or emergencies. This approach allows you to balance cost, security, and operational requirements.


Choosing between armed and unarmed security guards is a critical decision that depends on various factors including the risk level of your business, the nature of your operations, and legal considerations. Armed security guards offer enhanced protection and deterrence but come with higher costs and potential liability issues. Unarmed security guards provide a cost-effective and approachable security presence, suitable for lower-risk environments.

By carefully assessing your business’s needs and consulting with security experts, you can make an informed decision that ensures the safety and security of your premises while aligning with your budget and operational goals. Remember, the right choice will ultimately depend on creating a security strategy that best protects your assets and supports your business objectives.

Need Security Services in Beverly Hills, CA?

Safety Host Unit is your premier provider of security services in Los Angeles, CA. Most of our security personnel have at least five years of security guard experience, some of whom are ex-military personnel. With our dedication to your safety and an unyielding work ethic, you can depend on us to protect or recover your assets and provide you with the reassurance you deserve. Our vetted security guards uphold our high trust, professionalism, communication, and integrity standards. We handle every security situation cautiously, with empathy, and always professional. In addition, we offer personalized services depending on our client’s needs and specifications. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you.